About Bowen
The Bowen Technique, is a natural, drug free, non-invasive, whole body (holistic) therapy, developed in Australia and introduced to the UK in the 1990’s. Primarily it works on the bodies soft connective tissues called fascia. Triggering the bodies own innate sense of healing, there is no jolting, the Bowen practitioner uses fingers and thumbs at precise locations on the body to ask the body to rectify itself. The sequences are gentle and relaxing without forceful manipulation.

During a treatment the therapist will leave the body to rest, which allows time to absorb information and respond to process necessary changes. Importantly, because Bowen is an holistic, musculoskeletal treatment the aim is to treat the cause of the problems rather than the symptoms, which is why a wide range of issues and many long terms complaints have been resolved in as little of three treatments. The body normally responds quickly making Bowen Therapy a time and cost effective treatment option.

 A national study, carried out by The Bowen Therapy Professional Association (BTPA) in the summer of 2006, showed that 95 per cent of back pain sufferers experienced either complete relief or a marked improvement, after a series of no more than three Bowen treatments.

The body is a series of arches, hinges and pulleys, designed to make us function at optimum levels. The quality of our posture and the tone of our muscles determine how well the machine runs. Correct alignment and hydration of the soft tissue and muscles, used efficiently will take us towards a happy old age, an understanding of the mechanics in the machine in order to use it correctly is a help. Where there is injury or trauma in the body, often there are compensatory systems which will affect other parts of your body. 
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